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Lavorazioni Metalliche e Navali S.r.l.u. 


Production of each component in iron, steel and aluminum following all the processing phases: from design to delivery.


Following specific projects, the company produces steel and aluminum carpentry components taking care, within the production process, of all its phases: from design to material procurement, to specific processing up to the painting and polishing and finishing processes to proceed. to the final installation and commissioning.


The company carries out refitting operations ranging from work on the hull with inserts, modifications, cuts and restorations, up to internal disassembly work with disembarkation of machinery and base modifications, as well as disassembly of noble parts for repainting or owner modifications.

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© 2021 Lavorazioni Metalliche e Navali S.r.l.u.


Registered office: Via S. Francesco, 17 - 57100 LIVORNO


Headquarters: Via Barontini, 19 - 57014 Stagno (LI)


PI and CF 01792030494


Ref. Law 124/2017 - In 2020, the company obtained public guarantee support from MCC

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