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Development of naval units according to shipowners' requests from design to sea trial.


The yard enters the shipbuilding market using its own technical staff.


We carry out unit design and development work based on shipowners' requests, plant design, outfitting engine room, axles and rudders, electrical and automation systems, interior design and painting cycles with primary groups of suppliers and hairless process, 3D rendering of the building.


The company employs specialized personnel for sea trials.

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© 2021 Lavorazioni Metalliche e Navali S.r.l.u.


Registered office: Via S. Francesco, 17 - 57100 LIVORNO


Headquarters: Via Barontini, 19 - 57014 Stagno (LI)


PI and CF 01792030494

Ref. Law 124/2017 - In 2020, the company obtained public guarantee support from MCC

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